Cake over Keto


Returning in 2024


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Cake over Keto 🍰 Returning in 2024 🎉 Follow to hear about new episodes 🎧

Cake over Keto: Episode 22 - the Goldilocks Dilemma
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 22 - the Goldilocks Dilemma

Drawing from Goldilocks and the 3 bears, Mel shares her own experiences. This episode will shed some light on why having high and low sensitivity is NOT being overly dramatic, rude or high maintenance. Finding safe experiences with food is trial and error. Sometimes it will be too hot, too intense or just too much. Other times it will be boring, underwhelming and disappointing.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 21 - Desperately Seeking Dopamine.
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 21 - Desperately Seeking Dopamine.

In this episode, Mel explains why Dopamine is essential - WHAT it does and WHY it can affect our eating. And it’s not just about dopamine seeking behaviours, we also need to understand the folk who struggle with dopamine hypersensitivity.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 20 - We’re not broken</a>.
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 20 - We’re not broken.

In this episode I share my experience of struggling for my whole life with undiagnosed ADHD, and then finding clarity, answers and a way forward. I’ve put my heart on my sleeve here because it’s been therapeutic for me, and because I also hope it helps someone else feel less alone.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 17 - Food and the Festive Season</a>.
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 17 - Food and the Festive Season.

In this episode, Mel helps you put a strategy in place; one that helps to remove your attention from your eating disorder, that takes the focus away from the food and helps you navigate any tricky or triggering social situations.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 14 - The ups, downs and doubts of recovery</a>.
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 14 - The ups, downs and doubts of recovery.

Believe me when I say, recovery looks different for everyone. And that in itself can make it scary; like you’re venturing alone on a treacherous journey, but you’re not quite sure where it will end. But you are not travelling alone and this episode proves this.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 10 - But my GP keeps telling me to lose weight
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 10 - But my GP keeps telling me to lose weight

Mel shares some situations she’s directly involved with where weight stigma means her family have not being given the treatment they need and deserve. It’s often not intentional but implicit (aka unconscious) bias is rife in healthcare – the only way to change this is (1) become more aware that it exists and (2) take the necessary steps to challenge it! Press PLAY and Mel will reveal the truth and where it comes from and the adverse effects it creates.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 9 - The Truth about Weight Loss Surgery
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 9 - The Truth about Weight Loss Surgery

In this episode Mel shares the information bariatric surgeons should be providing for their patients to make a fully informed decision. She talks about the risks of combining eating disorders with weight loss surgery and what you need to think about in taking the best care of yourself. Weight loss is not everything.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 7 - They said it to my face so it must be true…
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 7 - They said it to my face so it must be true…

In this episode Mel explores how as humans, we create false beliefs that can determine how we see and treat ourselves. She explains how to move away from focusing on appearance, how to re-write your beliefs and how to cope with others who perhaps have the sensitivity of a boulder when it comes to mouth engaging with their brain.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 6 - Letting go of wanting to lose the weight.
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 6 - Letting go of wanting to lose the weight.

In this episode, Mel shares two ways in which you can begin to dig deeper and explore what your desire to lose really means for you. So you can begin to let go of the need to endure dieting behaviours, without fear. She also explains how letting go of this desire can feel like grieving the loss of an actual person. Mourning the behaviours you can no longer sustain, your past body or the body you never got to have is valid!

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Cake over Keto: Episode 5- Why Intuitive Eating isn’t working for you.
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 5- Why Intuitive Eating isn’t working for you.

I give 5 reasons why intuitive eating might not have worked or be working for you and I can tell you now, it won’t be your fault. But what is often NOT talked about is the impact of chronic dieting, the lingering diet mentality, stress and trauma on our ability to truly listen and respond to our body. I also provide 5 resources from my Pick N Mix that may help you fill in the gaps in terms of tools to help you embrace the practice that is intuitive eating.

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Cake over Keto: Episode 4 - My Fitness Pal is not your pal
Heather Bennett Heather Bennett

Cake over Keto: Episode 4 - My Fitness Pal is not your pal

In this episode Mel touches on the benefits that some may experience from tracking food, exercise and weight but I focus more heavily on the downsides, and the reasons why some users find them detrimental to their health.

She also shares three tips to help reduce food and number obsession….you might guess the first one?

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