Cake over Keto: Episode 5- Why Intuitive Eating isn’t working for you.

Intuitive eating has become rather trendy. When celebrities start jumping on it, you know it’s going to pick up speed. I loved that Demi Lovato credited intuitive eating in helping her combat her disordered eating patterns but then Gwinnie ruined it (so did the author Dr Will Cole) when she promoted intuitive fasting. Dear Gwyneth (Paltrow), please stick to your vagina candles, at least they aren’t dangerous! The problem with media coverage is things can get twisted. Intuitive eating is a weight-inclusive model you see. It was never created to be sold for weight loss or changing your appearance or shape. But this is what’s happening. The original message is at risk of getting diluted as diet culture co-opts the intuitive eating language.

So when folk say ‘but I didn’t lose weight doing intuitive eating’ or ‘it’s not working’ I wonder if they really get what intuitive eating is or asks of you? Or it hasn’t been explained what the barriers can be.

In this episode I give 5 reasons why intuitive eating might not have worked or be working for you and I can tell you now, it won’t be your fault. But what is often NOT talked about is the impact of chronic dieting, the lingering diet mentality, stress and trauma on our ability to truly listen and respond to our body. I also provide 5 resources from my Pick N Mix that may help you fill in the gaps in terms of tools to help you embrace the practice that is intuitive eating.

Content warning: I mention body weight. There is context but please be mindful if you are triggered by the language around dieting behaviours.

I hope you find the resources below helpful – all are mentioned in this episode.


by Evelyn Tribole & Elise Resch. Also by Elise Resch

card deck by Christy Harrison and Judith Matz. Christy is author of Judith authored (amongst others)

by Deb Dana

by Tabitha Farrar

Come and wave to CakeOverKeto on Instragram: @cakeoverketo

You’ll find Mel at

Instagram: @mel_wakeman_rnutr


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Cake over Keto: Episode 6 - Letting go of wanting to lose the weight.


Cake over Keto: Episode 4 - My Fitness Pal is not your pal