Cake over Keto: Episode 7 - They said it to my face so it must be true…

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” — Marcus Aurelius

People will talk. They always have. And they always will. No matter what you do or say, how you behave, the way you walk or dress, how you act, or the decisions you make, will always be scrutinized by others. It’s the nature of the masses. Like the herd of lions swooping in for the kill, they prey on the weak, looking for those they can taunt and torment. And it gets to us. We allow other people’s opinions to not only hurt us, but oftentimes, to define us.

But the truth is it doesn’t. Your self-worth isn’t defined by an approval rating. There’s no objective rating scale that allows another person to judge you. Others often don’t know your journey, where you’ve been or where you’re heading.

In this episode Mel explores how as humans, we create false beliefs that can determine how we see and treat ourselves. She explains how to move away from focusing on appearance, how to re-write your beliefs and how to cope with others who perhaps have the sensitivity of a boulder when it comes to mouth engaging with their brain.


Here are the 15 retorts Mel goes through in the pick n mix – if you have some more to add, drop Mel a message!

1. “I don’t get involved in food or body shaming.”

2. "I’ve been working really hard at accepting my body, and this feels like criticism. Please let’s talk about something else.”

3. “I don’t comment on things that aren't my business.”

4. “Please don’t talk about other people's bodies with me, I don't find it helpful at all and it’s just not respectful.”

5. "It sounds like you have a problem with someone being fat, do you?"

6. “What’s wrong with being fat?”

7. “I’m so sorry you feel that way about yourself.”

8. “I don’t really want to hear everything you’re doing to avoid looking like me.”

9. “Can we change the subject; I’m not feeling this one.

10. “I want to spend my time with you talking about more important things.”

11. “No more diet / body talk please.” (Repeat as necessary) and accompany with a steely look if needed

12. Laugh as if they made a joke.

13. Start a respect jar — like a swear jar — so everyone puts in £1 for every time they express hatred of their own body, questions somebody else’s or participate in diet talk

14. [I love this one] stick your fingers in your ears and run around shouting la la la la la I can't hear you!

15. Walk away if your request is not respected


Cake over Keto: Episode 8 - Menopause and Eating Disorders


Cake over Keto: Episode 6 - Letting go of wanting to lose the weight.